Learn how to deal with payment exceptions.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to refund a client, or adjust the price of an already-booked appointment. This guide explains both processes.

Refund a client

It's not possible to issue a refund through Acuity. Instead, issue the refund through your payment processor directly.

When a paid appointment is canceled, Acuity will send you an email with a direct link to the client's payment. Use that link to issue the refund.

Follow the links below to learn the refund steps for your payment processor:

Refunds issued in your payment processor aren't reflected in Acuity, including in reports.

Change an appointment's price

You can change the price of an individual appointment that's been booked and is on your Acuity calendar. Changing the price won't change the price of new appointments.

To change the price of an appointment that's already booked:

  1. Open the Calendar panel.
  2. Click the appointment to open the appointment details.
  3. Click Edit and enter a new price in the Total price ($) field.
  4. Click Save.
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