Save client card details to charge later.

You can save your client's card details so you can collect payment after booking, or charge your client's card if you're booking an appointment on their behalf.

Saving card details

Your client's card details are saved if they:

  • Enter payment details to be charged later through Stripe or Square.
  • Pay a deposit on an appointment through Stripe or Square.
  • Pay in full through Stripe.

Your clients’ card details aren’t saved if: 

  • Your client chooses a free appointment on your scheduler. To prevent this, give all your appointment types a price.
  • Your client pays in full using Square.
  • Your client pays through PayPal.
  • You enter payment details directly into Acuity for your client using Square and their card is affected by Strong Customer Authentication, or SCA.

You can adjust your payment terms to decide if clients have to pay in full, can pay deposits, or can enter payment details to be charged later.

Charge a saved card

You can charge a client using a saved card by following the steps to collect payments after booking.

Remove a card on file

It's not possible to remove the card on file for one of your clients from your Acuity account. Instead, go to your payment processor dashboard and manually remove it from the payment processor's file for the client.

Clients removing cards saved with Square

When Square saves a client's card information, it sends your client an email allowing them to remove the saved card. Removing the card won't cancel their appointment, but it will prevent you using saved card details to charge them for their unpaid balance.

Saving cards to packages, gift certificates, and subscriptions

Cards saved for appointments can be used to buy packages, gift certificates, and subscriptions. However, cards that are saved when buying a package, gift certificate, or subscription can't be used to pay for appointments.

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