Use tags to add variable information like your client’s name or the date of their upcoming appointment to your emails and text message reminders. Email templates also accept tags that pull in your clients’ intake form responses.
Note: It’s not possible to use tags in appointment receipt email templates.
Add tags
Both email and text message reminder templates accept tags.
The template editors have dropdown menus you can use to insert the most commonly-used tags. To use a tag that doesn’t appear in the editor dropdown menu, you can manually type the tag into email and text message templates. Keep in mind that some tags are specific to certain template types and can't be used in others, even when you enter the tag manually.
Email template editor
To add tags in the email template editor:
- In Acuity, click Client Email.
- Choose the type of email notification and the template you want to add the tag to.
- In the template editor, move your cursor to the place the tag will go.
- Click Insert Field.
- Click the tag you want to add.
- Click Save template.
Text message template editor
To add tags in the text message template editor:
- In Acuity, click Client SMS.
- Choose the template you want to add the tag to.
- In the template editor’s Custom message field, move your cursor to the place the tag will go.
- Click the Insert Tag icon.
- Click the tag you want to add.
- Click Save.
Note: Text message reminders can include up to 300 characters when they are sent to your clients. If a tag populates information that pushes your message past 300 characters, your message will be cut off.
If you type in tags manually:
- Begin and end the tag with a percent sign.
- Use only lowercase letters.
For example, the tag for your client's first name should look like this: %first%.
Tags for intake form answers
You can include answers your client gave while booking in emails about their appointment (confirmation, reminder, rescheduling, cancellation, and follow-up emails). Tags for intake form answers can't be added to text message reminders.
The tags are different for each intake form question, so the best way to add these tags is with the Insert Field button in the email template editor. They'll appear as "%form:12345678%" with a unique ID number for each question.
It’s not possible to use tags to include documents that your clients uploaded as part of an intake form.
Available tags
You can include the tags in the table below in your message. Review the description of each tag and understand which templates you can include it in.
Tag Name | Field Description | Can be used in... |
%first% | Client’s first name | All templates |
%last% | Client's last name | All templates |
%phone% | Client's phone number | All templates |
%email% | Client's email address | All templates |
%type% | Appointment type | All, except for:
%duration% | Appointment duration | All, except for:
%time% | Appointment date and time. If the appointment is in a different time zone than the calendar, also displays the appointment time zone. | All, except for:
%tz% | Appointment time zone | All, except for:
%timetz% | Appointment date, time, and time zone. | All, except for:
%calendar% | Calendar name. Adding the calendar name is useful if your account has multiple calendars. | All, except for:
%location% | Appointment location | All, except for:
%viewlink% | Change/Cancel Appointment link / URL. Clients can reschedule, cancel, and review or edit intake form answers. This link goes to the client's confirmation page. | All, except for:
%viewhref% | The URL of the client’s confirmation page. |
All, except for:
%paylink% | Pay for Appointment link. |
All, except for:
%payhref% | The URL of the Pay for Appointment link above. |
All, except for:
%formslink% | Edit Forms link. Clients can edit intake forms after booking. |
All, except for:
%formshref% | The URL of the Edit Forms link above. |
All, except for:
%export% | Calendar invite link for iCal and Outlook |
All, except for:
%exporthref% | The URL of the calendar invite link for iCal and Outlook |
%price% | Appointment price |
All, except for:
%oldtime% | Original date and time of a rescheduled appointment |
%date% | Appointment date without time |
All, except for:
%total% | Total price of the appointment a client booked, including any add-ons, or of the package, gift certificate, or subscription a client purchased. |
All, except for:
%calendardescription% | Calendar description |
All, except for:
%typedescription% | Appointment type description |
All, except for:
%typeconfirmationmessage% | Appointment type confirmation message |
%typecategory% | Appointment type category |
All, except for:
%googlehref% | Calendar invite URL for Google Calendar |
%certificate% | Print Certificate link for gift certificate purchases | Package/Gift Certificate Order |
%certificatehref% | The URL of the client’s gift certificate | Package/Gift Certificate Order |
%code% | Code for package, gift certificate, or subscription purchased, including a link to redeem it |
Package/Gift Certificate Order |
%rawcode% | Code for package, gift certificate, or subscription purchased, without a link to redeem it |
Package/Gift Certificate Order |
%expiration% | Expiration date of package or gift certificate purchased |
Package/Gift Certificate Order |
%nextappointment% | Client's next scheduled appointment |
All, except for:
%appointmentID% | Unique appointment identifier number |
%receipt% | Receipt summary from the order of a package, gift certificate, or subscription. The summary includes the item, quantity, price, booking code, and a customized link the client can use to schedule appointments with the package, gift certificate, or subscription they purchased. | Package/Gift Certificate Order |
%product% | The name of the package, gift certificate, or subscription a client has purchased. |
%notes% | Any notes your client entered in the Notes to Business field while purchasing a package, gift certificate, or subscription. |
%schedule% | Creates a customized link to your scheduler for clients who have purchased a package, gift certificate, or subscription. The scheduler displays only the appointment types the client’s booking code covers. |
%schedulehref% | The URL of the scheduler described above. |
%subscrlink% | A link for the client to change or cancel their subscription. |
Note: If the appointment time zone doesn’t match the calendar time zone, using both %time% and %tz% causes the timezone to appear twice. To avoid this, use the tag %timetz% instead.