Offering recurring appointments in Acuity Scheduling

Enable recurring appointments so your clients can schedule more than one appointment during booking. With this account-wide setting, your clients can schedule repeating appointments, or pick several appointment slots individually. This guide explains how to turn the setting on and off, and how to book recurring appointments.

Note: The instructions below include links to Acuity settings separated by the kind of account you use to log into Acuity. Which kind of account do I have?

Enable or disable recurring appointments

This setting is enabled by default. To change the setting:

  1. Open the Customize appearance panel: I log in with an Acuity account | I log in with a Squarespace account
  2. Click Scheduling page options.
  3. Check or uncheck Hide add another time, then click Save changes.

How clients book recurring appointments

Note: It’s not possible to use the recurring appointment feature to book different appointment types in the same transaction.

When clients select a start time, they can select one of the recurring appointment options, or continue booking a single appointment. Keep in mind that options for recurring appointments appear differently depending on which scheduler template you’re using. 

Add another time

When a client adds another time, their previously selected times will display on the scheduler, then they can pick another start time. When the client clicks Continue, they’re taken to checkout, where they can enter their payment information, if payment is required for these appointments. 

Make recurring

If a client makes an appointment recurring, a pop-up window appears where they can choose the appointment frequency and how many times it repeats. They can choose from the following frequencies: 

  • Every week, on the same day of the week
  • Every other week, on the same day of the week
  • Every three weeks, on the same day of the week
  • Every four weeks, on the same day of the week
  • Every month, on the same date
  • Every month, on the same day (for example, the third Wednesday of every month)
  • Daily

After the client chooses the frequency and the number of times the appointment repeats:

  • On the daily template, they can click Add recurring times, then Continue to finish booking their recurring appointments.
  • On the monthly template, they can click See availability, then Add appointments. To finish booking their recurring appointments, they click Continue.

If clients select times when you’re unavailable, or conflict with other appointments, they’ll appear in red or orange text. When the client completes the booking process, those appointments aren’t included.

Book recurring appointments for clients

  1. Book the appointment as normal, but after selecting a time, click Recurring.
  2. If you want a regularly repeating appointment, choose a frequency, then choose the number of times the appointment should repeat and click Add times.
  3. To add another start time, click Choose additional time, then select another date and time.
  4. Click Schedule appointment or Schedule, but don’t send confirmation email.


If you select times that are outside your availability, or conflict with other appointments, they’ll display in red text. If you don’t remove them, Acuity still allows you to book those times.

If you need to cancel recurring appointment times for your client, cancel the appointments in bulk from the client list. You can also reschedule a client's non-class appointments in bulk from the client list.

Note: You can schedule a maximum of 52 recurring appointments for a client. If the client is booking on their own, they can schedule up to 24 recurring appointments. 
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