Solve common issues with notification emails for Acuity users

If you’re having problems with internal notification emails, review the entries below for potential solutions. If your problem isn’t covered here, you can contact our Support Team for more help.

I get two emails about each appointment

If you’re receiving two email notifications every time a client books, reschedules, or cancels, you may have turned on two different sets of internal Acuity notifications: Acuity-wide booking alerts and calendar notifications. You can solve this by turning off one of the two.

Keep booking alerts

If you:

  • are a solo provider with multiple calendars
  • need updates on package, subscription, and gift certificate sales

You should keep Acuity-wide booking alerts and turn off calendar notifications:

  1. In Acuity, click Availability.
  2. On one of your calendars, click Calendar Settings.
  3. Delete your email address from the Email/Phone Notifications field, then click Save.
  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you've removed your email address from all your calendars.

Keep calendar notifications

If you:

  • Want text message updates
  • Want updates on some, but not all, calendars

You should keep calendar notifications and turn off Acuity-wide booking alerts:

  1. In Acuity, click Booking alerts.
  2. Toggle off Send appointment notifications.

I turned on Acuity-wide booking alerts, but I’m not receiving them

Anyone with administrator-level access can turn booking alerts on and off, but they’re only sent to the email address the account owner uses to log into Acuity or Squarespace.

If you’re the account owner, you can update the email address you use to log in. There are different instructions if you log in with an Acuity account or a Squarespace account.

If you’re not the account owner, you can set up calendar notifications instead.

I don’t get an email when clients purchase packages, gift certificates, and subscriptions

Account owners can receive notifications about package, gift certificate, and subscription purchases by enabling booking alerts.

If you already have calendar notifications enabled, consider disabling them before enabling booking alerts, to avoid duplicate notifications.

To enable booking alerts:

  1. In Acuity, click Booking Alerts.
  2. Toggle on Send Appointment Notifications.
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