Give your team access to your booking tools so they can set up appointments.
Add people to help you manage Acuity by inviting them as contributors. You control their ability to access and make changes to settings and features. This is helpful if you have staff members who need access to manage or schedule appointments, but don’t want them to make substantial changes or export information from your account.
If you use Acuity as a standalone subscription, you can add an unlimited number of contributors. If you use Acuity attached to a Squarespace website, you can add as many contributors as your website plan allows.
Your contributors need to accept your invitation before they can begin using Acuity.
Tip: If you log into Acuity with an Acuity account instead of a Squarespace account, the process for adding contributors works differently. Visit the section below for specific steps.
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Access levels
Contributors you invite have limited permissions in Acuity, as explained below.
View only
This access level is called "Scheduling View Only" if you log in with a Squarespace account and "View Only" if you log in with an Acuity account. Learn which type of account you use to log into Acuity.
Acuity contributors with view only access can review upcoming appointments but can’t add new appointments through the Calendar panel or change Acuity settings.
They can only access information, including clients and appointments, related to the calendars you give them access to. View only contributors can access the following panels:
- Calendar - Contributors can access appointments booked on calendars you give them access to. They can click appointments to view appointment details, but can't edit or reschedule appointments. They can view appointment labels, but can’t add or edit them.
- Clients - Contributors can view the client list, but only access clients with at least one appointment on a calendar you’ve given them access to. They can click client names to review appointment history and other information, but can’t edit client information. If you’ve given them permission to export appointments and clients, they can export the clients they can access, but not your other clients. They can't import clients.
- Reports - This is only visible if you’ve given the contributor permission to export appointments and clients. If it’s visible, they can export appointments from calendars they can access, but can’t import appointments or view any other reports.
- Scheduling page link - Contributors can use this section to get direct links to your scheduler and code to embed your scheduler in a website. They won't have access to links, embedding information, or appointment types for calendars that you haven't given them access to, and they can’t customize any of the URLs.
View & edit
This access level is called "Scheduling View & Edit" if you log in with a Squarespace account and "View & Edit" if you log in with an Acuity account. Learn which type of account you use to log into Acuity.
You choose which calendars these contributors can access. They can only review information or edit settings for the calendars you give them access to.
Contributors with view & edit access can book new appointments for clients. They can choose any appointment type that's offered on at least one of the calendars they can access. After they choose an appointment type, they can book onto any calendar that offers that appointment type, even calendars they don't have access to. If a contributor with view & edit access books an appointment onto a calendar they can't access, they can't view or edit the appointment after booking.
Contributors with view & edit access can use these panels:
- Calendar - Contributors can do everything a view only contributor can, plus they can edit, reschedule, and cancel appointments. They can add labels to or remove them from appointments, but they can't create labels or delete them from the system.
- Clients - View & edit contributors can only access clients who have at least one appointment on a calendar the contributor can access. They can do everything view only contributors can do, plus edit client information, ban clients, and reschedule and cancel appointments from the client list. If you’ve given them permission to export appointments and clients, they can both import and export clients.
- Reports - This is only visible if you’ve given the contributor permission to export appointments and clients. If it’s visible, they can export appointments, but can’t import appointments or view any other reports.
- Scheduling page link - Contributors can do everything a contributor with view only access can do, accessing direct links and embedding information for your scheduler. They can't access information or appointment types for calendars they can’t access.
- Availability - Contributors can edit the hours that the calendar is available for appointments. They can also change scheduling limits and calendar settings, including changing which email addresses Acuity notifies when clients book appointments.
- Integrations - Contributors can connect to a limited suite of apps, including video conferencing and API connections.
- Sync with other calendars - Contributors can connect Acuity calendars to a third party calendar. They can only connect to the Acuity calendars you’ve given them access to.
The access level is called "Scheduling Administrator" if you log in with a Squarespace account and "Admin" if you log in with an Acuity account. Learn which type of account you use to log into Acuity.
Note: Giving a contributor access at the Scheduling Administrator level is different from giving them access at the Administrator level, which gives them authority across large parts of your Squarespace account, including changing plan levels.
Contributors with admin access can do almost everything the owner can do.
They have the following limitations:
- They can’t add or remove contributors, or change their access levels.
- They can’t change the owner.
- They can’t change or cancel Acuity subscriptions.
Other than those exceptions, they can access any setting not mentioned in the sections on view only and view & edit access, including:
- Importing and exporting clients and appointments
- Creating and editing packages, gift certificates, and subscriptions
- Creating package, gift certificate, or subscription codes for clients
- Using the resources feature
- Creating, editing, and viewing invoices in the Invoices panel
Add or remove a contributor (if you log in with Squarespace)
If you log into Acuity with a Squarespace account, to invite a new contributor:
- Open the Permissions panel and click Invite Contributor.
- Enter the contributor’s name and email address, then use the toggle to select Scheduling View Only, Scheduling View & Edit, or Scheduling Administrator. Learn about Scheduling access levels.
- If you picked Scheduling Administrator, click Invite to send an invitation to your contributor. If you picked Scheduling View Only or Scheduling View & Edit, click Next to continue.
- Use the toggle to decide whether the contributor can export appointments and client information from the account, then use the checkboxes to choose which calendars they can access.
- Click Invite to send an invitation to your contributor, inviting them to work on Acuity with you. They can access the account after they accept the invitation.
Remove a contributor
To remove a contributor:
- Open the Permissions panel and click the contributor you want to remove.
- Click ..., then click Remove contributor.
- Click Remove to confirm.
Cancel a contributor's invitation
To cancel someone's invitation to become a contributor:
- Open the Permissions panel.
- In the Invites Sent section, click the invitation you want to cancel.
- Click ..., then click Cancel Invite.
- Click Confirm.
Change a contributor’s access level
You can expand or reduce a contributor’s access to Acuity after you’ve added them. To change their access:
- Open the Permissions panel and click the contributor’s name.
- Use the toggles to set their access level.
- If they have Scheduling View Only or Scheduling View & Edit access, click Assign & Manage Calendars to choose which calendars they can access and whether they can export appointments and client information. Click Done after making changes.
- Click Save when you’re done making all changes.
If the contributor you're trying to add receives an error message when accepting their invitation, visit Accepting a contributor invitation for help resolving common issues.
Add or remove a user (if you log in with Acuity)
If you log into Acuity with an Acuity account rather than a Squarespace account, the process for adding contributors works differently.
To add a new user to your Acuity account:
- Click Manage Users, and then New user.
- Enter the new user’s email address and assign them a password.
- Select their access level from the Access level drop-down menu.
- Optional: Check Allow user to export clients and appointments to give the user permission to export appointments.
- If you selected View only or View & edit access, use the checkboxes to choose which calendars they can access .
- Click Add user.
- Notify the new user of their username and password. Users won’t be automatically notified when you add them.
After you’ve added users, they can manage their password and username.
Acuity access levels
Users with view only and view & edit access have the same access as contributors at those levels.
Acuity users with admin access can do everything the account owner can do, except:
- Delete the main account.
- Edit or delete their user account.
- Change the username or password for the main account.
Remove users
To remove a user:
- Click Manage Users, then click Edit for the user you want to remove.
- Click Delete, then click OK to confirm.
Change a user’s access level
You can expand or reduce a user’s access to Acuity after you’ve added them. To change their access:
- Click Manage Users, then click Edit on the user’s name.
- Change their access level using the Access level drop-down menu.
- If they have View only or View & edit access, use the checkboxes to update which calendars they can access and their permission to export appointments.
- Click Update user to save your changes.
Using an email address with two Acuity accounts
Each email address can only be associated with one Acuity Scheduling account. If you're trying to add someone to an Acuity account and their email address is already associated with another Acuity account, you can:
- Add them using a different email address as their username.
- Have them change the email address they use as their username on the other Acuity account.
Note: This isn't the case for Squarespace accounts. People who use Squarespace accounts to log into Acuity can be added to multiple Acuity subscriptions using the same email address.