Data privacy and Acuity Scheduling

Acuity Scheduling is part of the Squarespace suite of products, and is therefore subject to Squarespace’s policies and practices.

There are many data privacy laws around the world that apply to businesses in different ways, depending on the location and industry. The laws vary, but have a shared goal of giving individuals more awareness of and control over how companies may collect and use data about them.

Squarespace, and it’s affiliated products, comply with data privacy laws applicable to them, and you can find the details of how we use data in our Privacy Policy.

Find links below to additional privacy and security resources, including information about where Squarespace stores your data.

Note: These guides are available as resources, but shouldn't be construed or relied upon as legal advice. Per our Terms of Service, Squarespace doesn't provide advice or recommendations regarding laws applicable to your site or business.
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